Allah has 'borrowed' us one heart each, right? Why the word 'borrowed' is used? Because everything that we thought is ours is not actually ours. They are Allah's. No? Now point to something that is yours. No. Just try to think of anything that is yours. NONE. They're Allah's.
But why can only have one heart? Why not two? Three? Four? Because it is to be filled by only one thing. What is the thing? You choose. Sounds easy right ? But choose wisely, the thing filling your heart will affect how you behave. And how you behave determines how your story end.
It sounds so easy but it is what most people fail to do today.
If you want to fill your heart with halal, do not mix it with haram. They don't mix. They can't!
Fill it with Akhirat, dont mix it with Dunya.
Fill it with Iman, dont mix it with sins.
"Fill it with Akhirat, dont mix it with Dunya"???
Uish! Kena duduk masjid, buat kerja dakwah je la macam ni. Kena berhenti belajar lah pulak.
Cop cop cop!
Siapa kata? Ni la problemnya. Bila sebut akhirat je, terus fikir dakwah, solat, tikar sejadah.
Beribu ribu kali dengar orang kata, Islam itu Syumul! Islam itu Syumul! Islam itu Syumul!
Syumul = Menyeluruh
Nak kata betapa menyeluruhnya Islam ni, daripada sekecil-kecil tengok cermin pun ada doa, sampailah sebesar-besar politik. Islam cover daripada benda-benda yang kita nampak, sampailah ke benda-benda yang kita tak nampak.
Jadi, bila kata isi hati dengan akhirat tu, bukanlah suruh duduk berzikir dekat masjid sahaja. Makan, belajar, berjalan, tidur even buang air pun, kalau niat kita betul, insyaallah menyumbang kepada saham akhirat kita. Islam itu mudah kan? Alhamdulillah.
"Bila kita kejar kejayaan dunia, kejayaan akhirat akan lari dari kita.
Bila kita kejar kejayaan akhirat, kejayaan dunia akan kejar kita."
"God has not made for any man two hearts in his body."
(Al-Ahzab 33:4)